Medical waste in Warsaw - How to deal with it?

Medical waste Warsaw is a very extensive market for hazardous waste that requires specialist logistics and knowledge in the field of their storage, transport and disposal. What is medical waste Warsaw? What regulations govern waste management in Warsaw? Does medical waste in Warsaw always have to mean a big problem for the facility? We explain and suggest how to deal with medical and veterinary waste.

Medical waste Warsaw - we explain the concept

What is medical waste Warsaw and what legal regulations cover it, is described in detail in the Act of 14 December 2012 (Journal of Laws 2013 item 21), as well as the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 5 October 2017. As the documents define, medical waste Warsaw is such that "created as a result of the implementation of health services, as well as conducting scientific research and experiments in the field of medicine".

Medical waste Warsaw in practice

Medical waste Warsaw is a very long list of products, starting from needles and syringes, through drug residues, chemicals, diagnostic reagents, dental amalgam residues, surgical instruments, dressings, clothes, to organs, body parts, tools and vessels that have had contact with blood or other body fluids and all waste that contains pathogenic microorganisms.

Where is medical waste Warsaw generated?

Medical waste Warsaw is of course generated in the largest quantities in large hospitals or clinics, but that is not the end of it. Medical waste in Warsaw is also generated in outpatient clinics, clinics, medical practices, beauty salons, dental offices, laboratories and even tattoo or piercing salons. Medical waste Warsaw is also generated in veterinary offices - then it is veterinary waste.

Medical waste in Warsaw – segregation principles

Medical waste management first and foremost involves its correct segregation. Segregated medical waste Warsaw must be placed in accordance with the designated categories in appropriate bags or containers. Infectious medical waste Warsaw goes into red containers or plastic bags of the same colour. Medical waste Warsaw other than infectious should go into yellow bags and containers. Medical waste other than hazardous may go into bags or containers in colours other than the two above.

Medical waste Warsaw – storage

In addition to the appropriate colour for individual groups, medical waste must also be appropriately marked. Each bag and container must be closed and provided with a sticker with the appropriate code (in accordance with the Act) and the date of creation (closure) of the collective packaging. The last piece of information is necessary due to the fact that medical waste Warsaw cannot be stored for too long from the moment of its creation.

Sharp instruments or needles are placed in plastic containers that protect personnel and people working in the collection, transport and disposal of waste from accidental cuts and exposure to epidemiological risk. Liquid waste must be placed in specially designed canisters. Other medical waste Warsaw is placed in durable plastic bags.

In addition to the above criteria, the legislator also specifies the permissible storage time (depending on the type of medical waste) or the temperature at which medical waste waits after being closed for collection by specialist companies that deal with the collection, transport and disposal of medical waste.

Medical waste Warsaw - collection and transport

Medical waste collection in Warsaw takes place in cooperation with companies specializing in this field. Unlike municipal waste, medical waste Warsaw must be transported in a way that ensures full safety. Failure to follow procedures creates an epidemiological risk and is dangerous for people, animals and the environment. Medical waste collection must therefore be carried out by companies that have the appropriate knowledge, equipment and facilities.

Medical waste transport Warsaw is carried out in an appropriately marked vehicle, the driver of which holds an ADR certificate (this is written confirmation that he or she has the qualifications for drivers involved in the transport of hazardous materials).

Medical waste Warsaw - disposal

Medical waste disposal in Warsaw, also called neutralization, is a process that aims to neutralize the threats associated with the processing of medical waste. Eliminated pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, toxins) lose their hazardous properties during disposal. In accordance with the regulations, medical waste Warsaw and veterinary waste are neutralized in dedicated incinerators. The waste incineration process takes place at very high temperatures and controlled conditions, thanks to which the risk of emitting harmful substances into the environment is minimized to practically zero.

Medical waste Warsaw - EKORR - Your partner in waste management

The smooth and efficient functioning of medical, research, cosmetic, cosmetology and other facilities is largely dependent on the quality of cooperation with a company dealing with the processing of medical waste. Disruptions in this field may result in the blocking and suspension of the work of entities generating waste.

Therefore, the choice of a partner for cooperation is extremely important. EKORR is a company with many years of experience, a fleet of cars adapted to the transport of medical waste and drivers with qualifications. We offer flexible terms of cooperation, schedules and schedules tailored to individual needs and comprehensive service. With us, medical waste Warsaw is no longer a problem.

Our wide offer is tailored to the needs of our Clients:

  • Collection of medical waste Warsaw.
  • Transport of medical waste in Warsaw.
  • Disposal of medical waste in Warsaw.
  • Full range of equipment for packaging waste: plastic bags in designated colors, plastic containers, canisters, self-adhesive labels for marking medical waste.

We provide market prices and reliable, timely and convenient cooperation. We invite you!