Medical waste Warsaw

Medical waste disposal can be a serious challenge. There are various entities on the market whose offer includes the disposal of medical and veterinary waste. It is definitely worth choosing a company for cooperation that will not disappoint, and the quality of services it provides will make the neutralization of medical waste no longer problematic.

Medical waste disposal in Warsaw - who uses such services?

The recipients of hazardous waste disposal services are most often hospitals, clinics, medical points, dental offices, laboratories and veterinary offices, but this group also includes aesthetic medicine or beauty and cosmetology offices, tattoo parlors, nursing homes and pharmaceutical entities. It is in such places that medical waste is generated in Warsaw, which, due to its nature, cannot be simply thrown into the trash.

What exactly is medical waste in Warsaw?

The properties of medical waste categorize it as hazardous, because it can threaten the health, life and safety of people, animals and the environment.

Medical waste Warsaw has been divided into three main groups by the legislator - infectious, hazardous and other than infectious. This broad group includes everything that constitutes residue, generated during broadly understood treatment, care and medical and research processes. Medical waste Warsaw therefore includes tissues, organs, post-operative remains, test tubes and containers that have had contact with blood and body fluids of patients, as well as materials containing microorganisms or toxins, drug residues and many other by-products of medical and paramedical activities.

Collection of medical waste Warsaw

Due to rigorous regulations, which very precisely define the requirements for facilities generating medical waste in Warsaw, their segregation must take place in the place where they are generated. They must be stored in specific conditions and collected within a specified time from the moment of their generation. Therefore, in the matter of collection, transport and disposal of medical waste, it is so important to choose a cooperating entity that will be a reliable and trustworthy partner.

Collection of medical waste Warsaw - EKORR

EKORR is a company with many years of experience. Our offer includes not only the collection of medical waste in Warsaw, but also the collection of veterinary waste, safe transport of medical waste and the disposal of medical waste in a dedicated incinerator.

We understand how much it means in our industry to meet deadlines, rules of cooperation and agreed conditions. We focus on reliability and make every effort to ensure that our recipients can use our services in a flexible manner and in accordance with their needs, improving the functioning of their medical facilities.

Medical waste Warsaw - comprehensive and always convenient

In addition to the collection of hazardous waste, EKORR's offer also includes a wide range of products that are required for the legal disposal of medical waste. We provide our customers with professional containers for medical and veterinary waste, special bags for medical waste, canisters and self-adhesive labels for marking medical waste.

Professional transport of medical waste Warsaw

The transport of medical waste and veterinary waste is carried out in accordance with ADR regulations, taking into account the type of vehicles, their marking and monitoring. EKORR drivers are experienced specialists who have all the necessary certificates. Each transport of medical waste is carried out at the time agreed with the Client and always in accordance with the procedures.

Neutralization of medical waste, neutralization of veterinary waste Warsaw

After the safe collection of medical waste and its transport to the designated place, the process of their neutralization takes place. This means that in accordance with the provisions of the law, safe for the environment and surroundings, the neutralization of medical waste in the incineration process.

At EKORR, the neutralization of medical and veterinary waste is carried out in accordance with legal standards and always with an emphasis on the highest level of safety. The disposal of medical waste is carried out in such a way that their residues have the least possible impact on the environment.

Collection of medical waste Warsaw – flexible terms of cooperation

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 5 October 2017, entities that generate medical waste and veterinary waste are obliged to segregate them, separating them into infectious waste, hazardous waste and others. The waste must then be stored in appropriate rooms with a specific temperature. Therefore, medical waste management causes numerous organizational difficulties. That is why at EKORR we attach great importance to the efficient implementation of services. We understand that the timely collection of medical waste and veterinary waste affects the ability to perform the tasks of the facility. By establishing the terms of cooperation and creating collection schedules, we adapt the action plan to individual needs, making it easier for our Clients to operate smoothly.

We support our Clients in completing formalities, provide the necessary equipment (containers in various sizes, bags, labels) and make every effort to ensure that the services of collecting medical waste, its transport and disposal of medical waste always run smoothly. EKORR's offer has been tailored to the needs of our Clients, comprehensive service of collection, transport and disposal of medical waste has never been so easy!

Medical waste Warsaw - attractive prices

We focus not only on the quality of cooperation, but we also take care of an attractive pricing policy, rewarding permanent and trust-based cooperation. Check out our offer and contact us to receive a quote for regular collection, transport and disposal of medical waste from your facility.