Veterinary waste

Our company's activity is the collection of veterinary waste, its transport and disposal in a waste incinerator.

Proper management of veterinary waste requires comprehensive and professional services, which we offer to our Clients. Starting with the delivery of specialist packaging for veterinary and medical waste, through its transport and disposal in a hazardous waste incinerator.

We collect infectious veterinary waste, chemical waste from veterinary activities, hazardous waste and medicines and surgical instruments.

Our offer of collection and disposal of veterinary waste is directed to, among others:

- Veterinary offices,

- Laboratories,

- Veterinary clinics,

- Other producers of veterinary waste.

Types and codes of veterinary waste:

18 02 01 - Surgical and procedural instruments and their remains (excluding 18 02 02).

18 02 02* - Other wastes that contain live pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins and other forms capable of transferring genetic material that are known or reliably suspected to cause disease in humans or animals.

18 02 03 - Other wastes than those mentioned in 18 02 02.

18 02 05* - Chemicals, including reagents, containing dangerous substances.

18 02 06 - Chemicals, including reagents, other than those mentioned in 18 02 05.

18 02 07* - Cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs.

18 02 08 - Medicines other than those listed in 18 02 07.

Storage of veterinary waste:

  • suitably adapted room - requirements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of 1 October 2010 on detailed handling of veterinary waste,
  • stationary cooling device - requirements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of 1 October 2010 on detailed handling of veterinary waste.

18 02 02* - storage at a temperature of 10 °C and higher cannot exceed 48 hours, while at a temperature below 10 °C they can be stored for no longer than 30 days.

18 02 01, 18 02 03, 18 02 05*, 18 02 06, 18 02 07*, 18 02 08 - can be stored for as long as their properties allow, but no longer than 30 days.

Packaging method:

18 02 02* - Infectious veterinary waste, except for waste with sharp ends and edges, is collected in single-use containers or bags made of polyethylene foil, red, durable, resistant to moisture and chemicals, with the possibility of single closure. Waste with sharp ends and edges is collected in rigid, moisture-resistant, mechanically resistant to puncture or cutting single-use containers, which are placed in places where this waste is generated.

18 02 05*, 18 02 07* - veterinary waste, referred to, except for waste with sharp ends and edges, shall be collected in single-use bags made of polyethylene foil, yellow, durable, resistant to moisture and chemicals, with the possibility of single closure.

18 02 01, 18 02 03, 18 02 06, 18 02 08 - veterinary waste, referred to, except for waste with sharp ends and edges, shall be collected in single-use bags, in a colour other than red or yellow, durable, resistant to moisture and chemicals, with the possibility of single closure.

Single-use containers and bags should have visible markings containing information including the code of the waste stored in them, place of origin of the waste, date of closure.