Medical Waste - What colour waste container or bag should I choose?

The Regulation of the Minister of Health of 5 October 2017 on detailed handling of medical waste specifies, among other things, the types and colours of packaging used to collect medical waste.

The regulation applies to medical waste with the following codes:

infectious: 18 01 02*, 18 01 03*, 18 01 80*, 18 01 82*,
hazardous, other than infectious: 18 01 06*, 18 01 08*, 18 01 10*,
other than hazardous: 18 01 01, 18 01 04, 18 01 07, 18 01 09, 18 01 81.
and provides for the use of three colours of containers and bags for waste:

1. Red for infectious medical waste such as:

body parts and organs and blood containers and preservatives used for its storage,
waste containing live pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins, and other forms capable of transferring genetic material,
used peloids performed as part of medical activities,
remains from feeding patients in infectious diseases wards.

2. Yellow for hazardous medical waste, other than infectious, such as

chemicals, including chemical reagents, containing hazardous substances,
cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs,
dental amalgam.

3. Color other than red and yellow for medical waste other than hazardous, such as

surgical and procedural instruments,
cloth or plaster dressings, bed linen, disposable clothing, diapers,
chemicals other than those containing hazardous substances,
drugs other than cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs,