Highly infectious medical waste - how to proceed?

The Regulation of the Minister of Health of 5 October 2017 on the detailed method of handling medical waste defines and specifies the method of handling highly infectious medical waste.

Medical waste in which it has been identified or for which there is a reasonable suspicion that it contains biological pathogens, which are subject to classification in category A in accordance with point of Annex A to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), concluded in Geneva on 30 September 1957. , hereinafter referred to as "highly infectious medical waste", is collected at the place of its generation to:

1.) Inner packaging consisting of:

a.) a single-use polyethylene foil bag, red, durable, resistant to moisture and chemicals, with the possibility of single closure, which after filling and closing is placed in a second bag meeting the same requirements, or

b.) a rigid, moisture-resistant, mechanically resistant to puncture or cutting red container - in the case of medical waste with sharp ends and edges;

2.) Outer packaging, which is a red container, durable, resistant to moisture and chemicals, made in a way that allows disinfection, with the possibility of tight closure.

Highly infectious medical waste may be stored at the place of its generation for no longer than 24 hours.

The container must be marked "INFECTIOUS MATERIAL FOR HUMANS".